
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Vancouver Art Gallery - A Lecture by Jacques Herzog, Herzog & de Meuron - YouTube

A Lecture by Jacques Herzog, Herzog & de Meuron
The Orpheum Theatre

Award winning architect Jacques Herzog gives a lecture at the Orpheum Theatre in the context of the current exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery Material Future: The Architecture of Herzog & de Meuron and the Vancouver Art Gallery. Learn about the firm’s vision of how architecture can shape cities and cultural life.

The architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron has been commissioned as the design architects for the future Vancouver Art Gallery, in collaboration with Perkins+Will as the local executive architects.

Jacques Herzog established Herzog & de Meuron with Pierre de Meuron in Basel in 1978. He studied architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) from 1970 to 1975 with Aldo ssi and Dolf Schnebli. He was a visiting tutor at Cornell University, USA in 1983. With Pierre de Meuron, he is visiting professor at Harvard University, USA (1989 and since 1994), professor at ETH Zürich since 1999, and co-founder of ETH Studio Basel - Contemporary City Institute since 2002. In 2001, he was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize together with Pierre de Meuron.


◇ Meet Herzog & de Meuron on Vimeo

Christine Binswanger, Senior Partner
Simon Demeuse, Associate
October 1st, 2014, 7pm
Vogue Theatre
918 Granville Street

The design architects of the new Vancouver Art Gallery discuss their diverse take on museum design through a selection of previous projects. Founded in Basel in 1978, Herzog & de Meuron is internationally recognized for designs that are both highly inventive and responsive to the site, geography and culture of the place for which they are conceived. Hear what makes Herzog & de Meuron one of the world's most lauded architectural firms as well as their initial impressions about Vancouver, followed by a public discussion.

Led by five Senior Partners—Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger, Ascan Mergenthaler and Stefan Marbach—Herzog & de Meuron has designed a wide range of projects, from highly recognized public facilities such as museums and stadiums, to distinguished private projects, and has been awarded numerous prizes, including The Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2001, and the RIBA Royal Gold Medal and the Praemium Imperiale, both in 2007.
Herzog & de Meuron were appointed to design the future Vancouver Art Gallery building in collaboration with the Vancouver firm Perkins+Will as the local executive architects.
Herzog & de Meuron were appointed to design the future Vancouver Art Gallery building in collaboration with the Vancouver firm Perkins + Will as the local executive architects.


Auvers-sur-Oise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Auvers-sur-Oise (French pronunciation: [o.vɛʁ.syʁ.waz]) is a commune in the northwestern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 27.2 km (16.9 mi) from the centre of Paris. It is associated with several famous artists, the most prominent being Vincent van Gogh.

During the 19th century, a number of painters lived and worked in Auvers-sur-Oise, including Paul Cézanne, Charles-François Daubigny, Camille Pissarro, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Vincent van Gogh. Daubigny's house is now a museum where one can see paintings by the artist, his family, and friends, such as Honoré Daumier, as well as rooms decorated in period style.

If you walk along the river from Auvers toward Pontoise you can see a number of views which figured in the paintings of Pissarro.

During the 20th century artists continued to frequent Auvers, including Henri Rousseau (Douanier Rousseau), Otto Freundlich and Pierre Daboval. The COBRA artist Corneille spent his last years in the village and is buried a few meters from Vincent van Gogh.[1]

On 1 August 1948, 17% of the territory of Auvers-sur-Oise was detached and became the commune of Butry-sur-Oise.


贖宥状 - Wikipedia


◇ 95ヶ条の論題 - Wikipedia

95ヶ条の論題(95かじょうのろんだい、独: 95 Thesen)は、正式名称『贖宥状の意義と効果に関する見解』(ラテン語: Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum, 英: The Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences)と言い、1517年にマルティン・ルターが当時のカトリック教会の免償理解に疑義を呈して発表した文章、提題(テーゼ)である。


ジャン・カルヴァン - Wikipedia

とくに社会学歴史学政治学等の文脈で用いられる場合、カルヴァン主義、カルヴァン主義者という用語は予定論者とほとんど同義に用いられることがある。その代表的な例は、マックス・ヴェーバーの『プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神』やエルンスト・トレルチの『キリスト教会ならびに諸集団の社会教説』である[9]。そして、その場合の「カルヴァン主義」とは、しばしば、カルヴァン本人の信仰理解とは必ずしも一致しているわけではないという意味で語られる。たとえば、トレルチにとっての「カルヴァン主義者」の最大のモデルは、主著『カルヴァン主義』[10]の著者、アブラハム・カイパーである。カイパーの立場は「新カルヴァン主義」(Neo Calvinism) などと呼ばれ、カルヴァン自身の立場とは区別される。しかし、カルヴァンカルヴァン主義者を極度に対立的に扱うことに対して慎重であるべきとする有力な声(ポール・ヘルム(英語版)ら)[11]もある。
