◇ 「photographs 64」 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/ - ◇ Researching Photography: record: RP 福居伸宏 (*Japanese text only) (Part 1)http://researchingphotography.blogspot.jp/2011/07/rp-record-part-1.html (Part 2)http://researchingphotog…
Interviewer: Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel Part of the Diamonstein-Spielvogel Video Archive in the Duke University Libraries: http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollec... Diamonstein-Spielvogel interviews Robert Rauschenberg and Leo Castel…
https://www.google.com/search?q=Gerhard+Merz&es_sm=91&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=KJPqVJCxDqPCmAXixoCYBw&ved=0CB0QsAQ&biw=1436&bih=806 ◇ Gerhard Merz (Künstler) – Wikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Merz_%28K%C3%BCnstler%…
http://youtu.be/hKP0DgwRzyU ◇ VIDEO ART 1984 -2 - YouTube http://youtu.be/avNAYfFwQs4 ◇ VIDEO ART 1984 -3 - YouTube http://youtu.be/DhX0ajY8jZI
Christopher Williams’s photographs are more than just cinephilic; they’re socio-photographic. For the first time, the Museum of Modern Art condenses Williams’s 35-year career into a conceptual exhibition, “The Production Line of Happiness.…
(Artist Talk | Wednesday, October 1, 2014) The Charles H. Scott Gallery and the Faculty of Graduate Studies are pleased to present an Artist Talk as part of the Rennie Collection Speaker Series. The exhibition is primarily comprised of the…
Eleanor Wachtel interviews award-winning Canadian visual artist Stan Douglas. http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Wachtel+on+the+Arts/ID/2449509302/
http://radicalcut.blogspot.ca/ ◇ Jacob Wren(@EverySongIveEve)さん | Twitter https://twitter.com/everysongiveeve
On This Site. Landscape in Memoriam. New Revised Edition. Photographs by Joel Sternfeld. Steidl, 2012. 50 pp., color illustrations, 12x10". Publisher's Description “I went to Central Park to find the place behind the Metropolitan Museum of…
フリーペーパー「PEPPER SHOP」:古賀学が1993年(20歳)に創刊したフリーペーパー。1号につき1人のクリエイターを軸に「インプット(影響を受けたモノ)」と「アウトプット(世の中に発信していること)」をテーマにインタビューし、5000字〜10000字のテキ…
http://ocula.com/ About OculaOur mission is to deliver comprehensive access to the art and artists of leading galleries around the world to our global audience. Complementing this we commission and curate related content that delivers insi…
http://artbasemomoshima.jp/exhibition/crossroad.html ◎ ART BASE MOMOSHIMA http://artbasemomoshima.jp/
Failure as a poetic dimension. A conversation with Harald Szeemann Jan Winkelmann Harald Szeemann, charismatic tower of strength in the exhibition business and prototype of the independent curator, is this year responsible for the second t…
◇ 「photographs 64」 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/ 土曜日になってしまいましたが、ようやく更新。 - ◇ Researching Photography: record: RP 福居伸宏 (*Japanese text only) (Part 1)http://researchingphotography.blogspot.jp/2011/07/rp-record-p…
http://youtu.be/scvHJoJo9wE ◇ 古今亭志ん朝 鰻の幇間* - YouTube http://youtu.be/uNIre7msnbg
http://blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-f3-4f/classicmusic2009/folder/179538/35/25960235/img_0 ◇ 題名のない音楽館 評論に関する評論 http://homepage3.nifty.com/tkoikawa/music/critic/index.html ◇ 新潮45 - Webcat Plus たいこもち批評家「座右の銘」 / 加…
"Here's Looking at You: Facial Recognition and Identity in the Surveillance Age" Tony Oursler and the Guardian's chief art critic Adrian Searle speak about the artist's new show: template/variant/friend/stranger at Lisson Gallery (30 Janua…
Dan Graham has been a central figure in contemporary art since the 1960s, and is widely considered one of the most significant artists of his generation. Over the past four decades, he has created a body of work that is as uncategorizable …