
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

UbuWeb Film & Video: Stan VanDerBeek

Stan VanDerBeek (1927-1984)


Astral Man an Illuminated Poem 1959, 2:30 min, color
Dance of the Looney Spoons 1959, 5:01 min, b&w, sound
Wheeeeels No. 2 1959, 7:06 min, b&w, sound
A La Mode 1959, 6:18 min, b&w, sound
Science Friction 1959, 9:46 min, color, sound
Achooo Mr. Kerrooschev 1960, 1:43 min, b&w, sound
The Smiling Workman 1960, 3:43 min, color
Blacks and Whites, Days and Nights 1960, 4:57 min, b&w, sound
Skullduggery Part II 1960-1961, 4:53 min, b&w, sound
Breathdeath 1963, 14:33 min, b&w, sound
See Saw Seams 1965, 9:06 min, b&w, sound
The Human Face is a Monument 1965, 8:50min, b&w, sound
Poemfield No. 2 1966, 5:40 min, color, sound
Symmetricks 1972, 6:12 min, b&w, sound
