
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

GARNELL Jean-Louis | Datar - Mission photographique

He worked in the cities of South-West France on everyday places and changing landscapes marked by the past and with an uncertain future.

Jean-Louis Garnell is a French photographer born in 1954.
Passionate about photography as a teenager, he began a teaching career after studying computer science. In 1983, he bought a view camera and took his first shots of the urban landscapes of Toulouse and its suburbs.
He participated in the DATAR Photographic Mission in 1985 and 1986, one of his first experiences as an artist. His work is the subject of two series using a view camera and colour. The first, conducted in the cities of the South-West with his eye on places of everyday life, focusing on the use of colour and composition. The second deals with the transformation of landscapes at once marked by the past and an uncertain future.


>>>Jean-Louis GARNELL

ルカーチ・ジェルジ - Wikipedia

ルカーチ・ジェルジ(ハンガリー語 Szegedi Lukács György Bernát [ˈlukaːtʃ ˌɟørɟ ]、ドイツ語 Georg Bernhard Lukács von Szegedin 、1885年4月13日 - 1971年6月4日)はハンガリーブダペスト出身の哲学者、文芸批評家、美学者。クン・ベーラ政権やナジ・イムレ政権では、教育文化相をつとめた政治家。「西欧的マルクス主義」の代表者に位置づけられる[1]。日本ではドイツ語読みにならってゲオルク・ルカーチとも表記される。


ドイツ人追放 - Wikipedia

