
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/



◇ 「photographs 57」 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/ ※パソコンのトラブルのため5日遅れ - ◇ in daylight >>> photographs 45 / 50 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/thumb_45.html http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/thumb_50.html - ◇ Researching Photograp…

【渋谷駅東口】封印されし“渋谷川”の蓋が開けられたと好事家の間で密かに話題 - NAVER まとめ


日本写真史(上) 幕末維新から高度成長期まで [著]鳥原学 - 青木るえか - 新書の小径(週刊朝日) | BOOK.asahi.com:朝日新聞社の書評サイト

http://book.asahi.com/reviews/column/2014012900006.html ◇ 日本写真史(上・下) 鳥原学著 幕末から現在までの流れを概観 - 日本経済新聞 http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXDZO65872550V20C14A1MZB001/

Playing with Pictures: The Art of Victorian Photocollage @ The Art Institute of Chicago

http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/exhibitions/VictPhotoColl/index ◇ Playing with Pictures - HI(NY) design by Iku Oyamada and Hitomi Watanabe http://www.hinydesign.com/diary/playing-with-pictures-the-art-of-victorian-photocollage/ ◇ play…

Shorpy Historical Photo Archive | Vintage Fine Art Prints


Biennale de Lyon - Contemporary Art Daily

Artists: Jonathas de Andrade, Ed Atkins, Trisha Baga, Matthew Barney, Neïl Beloufa, Gerry Bibby, Juliette Bonneviot, Dineo Seshee Bopape, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, Antoine Catala, Xavier Cha, Paul Chan, Ian Cheng, Dan Colen, Petra…

Hardcore of Galapagos