
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/


◇ @hikohiko: http://t.co/RKn1Ozm これほんとに ... - Twitter

http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqtt266D2F1qz7hmlo1_500.jpg これほんとにヴィト・アコンチのcentersのまねで、この人チンポムのメンバーとかだったらウケる


◇ @hikohiko: 20時間前に同じこと考えてる人いたー “@yuusu ... - Twitter

20時間前に同じこと考えてる人いたー “@yuusukeoikawa: http://youtu.be/zSND46QK7H8 そんでなんかヴィト・アコンチVito Acconciを思い出した。20分も指さし続けるってだけでかなりの苦行だと思う。”


◇ Vito Acconci - Centers (1971) : U B U W E B - Film & Video

"Pointing at my own image on the video monitor: my attempt is to keep my finger constantly in the center of the screenムI keep narrowing my focus into my finger. The result [the TV image] turns the activity around: a pointing away from myself, at an outside viewer."

    • Vito Acconci, "Body as Place-Moving in on Myself, Performing Myself," Avalanche 6 (Fall 1972)

"By its very mise-en-scène, Centers typifies the structural characteristics of the video medium. For Centers was made by Acconci's using the video monitor as a mirror. As we look at the artist sighting along his outstretched arm and forefinger toward the center of the screen we are watching, what we see is a sustained tautology: a line of sight that begins at Acconci's plane of vision and ends at the eyes of his projected double."

    • Rosalind Krauss, "Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism," October 1 (Spring 1976)
