
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Kaldor Public Art Project 16: Gregor Schneider (2012 interview) on Vimeo

2012 interview with Gregor Schneider about his installation at the Art Gallery of NSW, John Kaldor Family Gallery
'Basement Keller Haus u r'
(Basement cellar house)
1985 - 2012


◇ Gregor Schneider installs BASEMENT KELLER Haus u r - YouTube

'BASEMENT KELLER Haus ur' was installed in the Contemporary galleries of the Art Gallery of NSW during June 2012. The artwork is an immersive installation made up of dimly lit rooms, dark cavernous spaces and paths leading to dead ends.


◇ Gregor Schneider: HAUS u r - YouTube
(Teil 1) http://youtu.be/QSD6vxrBQ08
(Teil 2) http://youtu.be/Y-kdXfv-FCw