
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Beaumont Newhall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


◇ Edward Steichen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

◇ John Szarkowski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

◇ Peter Galassi - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

◇ Snapshot of a Curator | Quentin Bajac | Cultural Conversation by Richard B. Woodward - Wall Street Journal

During the museum's 83-year history, there have been only four previous chiefs of the photography department. Beaumont Newhall (1940-1948) wrote a foundational history of the medium. Edward Steichen (1948-1962) invented blockbuster theme shows, including "The Family of Man." John Szarkowski (1962-1991) did more than anyone to distinguish photography as an art and instrument of vision. Peter Galassi (1991-2012) broadened the documentary lineage favored by Newhall and Szarkowski, embracing the theatrics of Cindy Sherman, the artifice of Thomas Demand and Jeff Wall, as well as the supersize color of Andreas Gursky.
