
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

r[h]ein (single channel, beta version)


artist: Nobuhiro Fukui
title: r[h]ein (single channel, beta version)
year: 2013-2014
material: HD video (color), sound (stereo)
time: 6 min 22 sec
size: dimensions variable
shooting, sound recording & editing: Nobuhiro Fukui

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Rhein http://j.mp/1hq22zR http://j.mp/1h78QYI
Kraftwerk Birsfelden http://j.mp/1n8iM36 (*hydroelectric power plant)
Basel http://j.mp/1n8ieKz http://j.mp/1lJev6y
Canton of Basel http://j.mp/1fyqjbN
1356 Basel earthquake http://j.mp/OgTXVO http://j.mp/1fyt112 http://j.mp/1kyvMN3 (*Japanese text http://j.mp/OgUC9T)
Timeline of Basel http://j.mp/1hq1l9Y

Robert Smithson & Nancy Holt: Swamp (1969) http://youtu.be/RYPWcdty7DE
Vito Acconci: Centers (1971) http://j.mp/1hq06az
...and various great achievements of the early video art movement.

And also my personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts in Basel, Switzerland.
