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Jaimey Hamilton Faris “Looking for Leviathans” lecture 3-24-2015 - YouTube

“Looking for Leviathans” Jaimey Hamilton Faris is Associate Professor of Critical Theory and Contemporary Art History at the University of Hawai’i Mānoa, and she is the 2015 Spring Critical Studies Fellow at Cranbrook Academy of Art.
Hamilton Faris will focus on a number of art projects in the last two decades that invoke a poetic and beautiful futility in our search for leviathans, phantom continents, and impassible Northwest Passages. What can Aeolian winds and Sargasso seas tell us about the nature of conquest, exploration, or simply, the journey itself? Tracing a general dialectics between the “pacific waters” that lubricate trade and proffer treasures, and the aquatic’s foreboding vastness in such works as Allan Sekula’s Fish Story (1989-1995), Ellen Gallahger’s Watery Ecstatic series, and Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Lab’s Leviathan (2014), this lecture explores the potential of art to navigate the many still unknown forces of our watery planet.
Sponsored by the Critical Studies and Humanities Program, Cranbrook Academy of Art


◎ Jaimey Hamilton Faris