
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

多くのことを語る、戦争柄の着物 - SWI swissinfo.ch


◇ kimonos | Museumsmanagement Julia Gautier

COLLECTION GALERIE RUF | "Japanese Propaganda (War) Kimonos, 1894-1944"

The kimono and textiles that make up this collection are representatives of a group of textiles from Japan known as sensōgara, or "wartime patterns/things". The imagery in these designs directly reflected contemporary political and cultural events, new technologies and inventions, and fashions and fads in popular culture. Sensōgara—textiles with wartime designs—were part of this larger trend, and, until recent years were all but unknown in the West: Their designs were vivid showcases for Japan's vision of imperial expansion and military domination in East Asia, as well as a subtle means of indoctrination to and acceptance of the national vision. These textiles became unofficial voices of the national propaganda.


※Japanese Propaganda Kimono - Google 検索

鈴木邦男をぶっとばせ! モデルになった。〈戦争柄〉を着た!