
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/


from Invisible Moments (2005-2008)

※http://d.hatena.ne.jp/n-291/20101003p2 ※※http://d.hatena.ne.jp/n-291/searchdiary?word=from%20Invisible%20Moments%20%282005-2008%29


◇ 「photographs 56」 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/ - ◇ in daylight >>> photographs 45 / 50 http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/thumb_45.html http://www.nobuhiro-fukui.com/thumb_50.html - ◇ Researching Photography: record: RP 福居伸宏 (*Japanese…

THE ECHO greeting on Vimeo

Group show The Echo – Spreading of Light – An artist-led initiative that embraces a vision of autonomy, THE ECHO creates exhibitions through peer nominations and evaluations. Following a nomadic relocation from Yokohama to Berlin, the thir…

ALEC SOTH & ROE ETHRIDGE (April28-2013) on Vimeo

A critical part of Paris Photo Los Angeles was the educational component, organized by independent curator Douglas Fogle, and titled Sound and Vision. This program offered our visitors multiple intellectual perspectives on the use of image…

Walead Beshty & Eileen Quinlan - BOMB Magazine

Both Walead Beshty and Eileen Quinlan make photographs that look out of time, out of place. If there’s an initial inclination to label their photographs “abstract” based on their look, they agree in the conversation below that the designat…

Arts.21 | Whats happening with the Nationalgaleries 2009 Prize for Young Art? - YouTube

Four artists who live in Berlin are nominated,but only one can win the prestigious Prize for Young Art. The candidates are Keren Cytter and Omer Fast,both Israeli-born,German photographer Annette Kelm and conceptual artist Danh Vo,original…

Eileen Quinlan at ICA - YouTube

Eileen Quinlan discusses her first solo exhibit, "Momentum 13: Eileen Quinlan" at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, showing now through July 12, 2009, curated by Jen Mergel. www.metrowestdailynews.com http://youtu.be/TyZRVSwPlsw

Artist Shirana Shahbazi at Hammer Museum - YouTube

Hammer Projects artist Shirana Shahbazi discusses her installation on the Hammer lobby wall (12/20/08-5/7/09) and her work that led up to it.Learn more about the Hammer Museum at UCLA and see more videos at www.hammer.ucla.edu. http://yout…

Contemporary Conversations: Elad Lassry and Laura Fried - YouTube

http://youtu.be/vzIu_qto8yw ◇ Interview with Elad Lassry on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/22121131 ◇ Elad Lassry - PAC, Milano - YouTube http://youtu.be/fW_JoocJ8XE

Walead Beshty (Artist Talk): Conversations with Contemporary Artists - YouTube

http://youtu.be/k1aihTTaJuE ◇ Walead Beshty (Q&A): Conversations with Contemporary Artists - YouTube http://youtu.be/IzF-vm2G36M ◇ Art Salon | Artist Talk | Walead Beshty on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/55511449
