
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Stan Douglas | Artists | Victoria Miro


◇ Stan Douglas | Tate

◇ Stan Douglas on Why Still Photography Still Matters - Canadian Art


Lothar Baumgarten Unsettled Objects - Google 検索


◇ Lothar Baumgarten - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lothar Baumgarten (born 1944) is a German conceptual artist, based in New York and Berlin.[1] His work includes installation and film.

Born 1944 in Rheinsberg, Germany, Baumgarten attended the Staatlichen Akademie für bildende Künste, Karlsruhe (1968) and the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (1969–71), where he studied for a year under Joseph Beuys.[2][3]

Baumgarten's body of work has included ephemeral sculptures, photographic work, slide projection pieces, 16 mm film works, recordings, drawings, prints, books, short stories, as well as site-specific works and wall drawings and architecture related interventions.[4]

Between 1968 and 1970, Baumgarten undertook a systematic photographic study of how several European ethnographic museums frame the viewer's perception through the manner in which their objects are displayed. The eighty Ektachromes that comprise Baumgarten's slide projection Unsettled Objects (1968–69) show artifacts at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, displayed much as they were when it was opened to the public in 1874.[5]


Imi Knoebel - Google 検索


◇ Imi Knoebel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imi Knoebel (born Klaus Wolf Knoebel; 1940) is a German artist. Knoebel is known for his minimalist, abstract painting and sculpture. The "Messerschnitt" or "knife cuts," are a recurring technique he employs, along with his regular use of the primary colors, red, yellow and blue. Knoebel lives and works in Düsseldorf.

Knoebel was born in Dessau, Germany, in 1940.[1] From 1962–64 he studied at the Darmstadt "Werkkunstschule", in a course based on the ideas of the pre-Bauhaus course taught by Johannes Itten and László Moholy-Nagy. From 1964 to 1971, he studied under Joseph Beuys at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with fellow students Blinky Palermo (with whom he shared a studio), Jörg Immendorff and Katharina Sieverding.[2]


Artists Space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Artists Space is a non-profit art gallery and arts organization that was first founded in 1972 in the Tribeca area of New York City. It is now located in Soho. Artists Space has been the site of provocative discussion and experimentation within contemporary artistic debate, from the postmodern image (Douglas Crimp’s Pictures, 1977) to identity politics (Adrian Piper’s It’s Just Art, 1981), to institutional critique (Michael Asher’s Untitled, 1988) to post-conceptualism (Robert C. Morgan's Turkish Bath installation, 1976) and the AIDS Crisis (Nan Goldin’s Witnesses: Against our Vanishing, 1989).

Artists Space was founded in 1972 by arts administrator Trudie Grace and critic Irving Sandler as a pilot project for the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), with the goal of assisting young, emerging artists. Artists Space quickly became a leading organization in the downtown alternative arts scene in New York, which also included burgeoning institutions such as the 112 Workshop (later renamed White Columns), and the Institute for Art and Urban Resources (later named MoMA PS1).

During its first year, Artists Space exhibitions were organized under the strict guidelines of artists chosen to select other artists to exhibit. Other early efforts to engage and help artists included the Emergency Materials Fund, which assisted artists with the presentation of their work at an established nonprofit venue, and the Independent Exhibitions Program, which supported the needs of artists who were involved in the production and presentation of work outside the context of an existing institutional structure. Through the decades, Artists Space has adapted to the shifting needs and concerns of artists and audiences in and outside of New York.

Artists Space has introduced a number of artists to a wider public, amongst them Jack Smith, Joan Jonas, Cindy Sherman, Jeff Koons, Sherrie Levine, Donald Sultan, Louise Lawler, Allan McCollum, Matt Mullican, Laurie Anderson, Barbara Bloom, John Baldessari, Haim Steinbach, Ashley Bickerton, Peter Halley, Lari Pittman, Stuart Sherman, Barbara Kruger, Laurie Simmons, Fred Wilson, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Mike Kelley, Robert Longo, and Jenny Holzer.

In 1978 a punk subculture-influenced noise series was held at Artists Space that led to the Brian Eno-produced recording No New York, documenting James Chance and the Contortions, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, Mars, and DNA.[1]

In March, 2007, Artists Space hosted the exhibition REALLIFE Magazine: 1979-1990 curated by Kate Fowle. The show looked at the period 1979-1990 through the lens of this publication and its extraordinary roster of contributors; including Eric Bogosian, Glenn Branca, Critical Art Ensemble, Jack Goldstein, Kim Gordon, David Hammons, Ray Johnson, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Robert Longo, Ken Lum, Allan McCollum, Richard Prince, David Robbins and Cindy Sherman.[2]


Douglas Crimp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Douglas Crimp (born 1944) is an American professor in art history based at the University of Rochester.

Crimp has been an important critic in the development of postmodern art theory. In 1977 he curated the influential exhibition Pictures at Artists Space, presenting the early work of Sherrie Levine, Jack Goldstein, Phillip Smith, Troy Brauntuch, and Robert Longo. Two years later he elaborated the discussion of postmodern artistic strategies in an essay with the same title in October, including Cindy Sherman in what was to be known as The Pictures Generation. In his 1980 October essay On the Museum's Ruins he applies the ideas of Foucault to an analysis of museums, describing them as an "institution of confinement" comparable to the asylums and prisons that are the subjects of Foucault's investigations.[4] His most important work on postmodernist art and institutional critique was published in the 1993 book, On the Museum’s Ruins.

In 1985, Crimp was one of numerous art critics, curators, and artists who spoke at a General Services Administration hearing in defense of Richard Serra's controversial public sculpture Tilted Arc, which had been commissioned as a site-specific piece for Federal Plaza in New York and was ultimately removed in 1989.[5]

In 1987 Crimp edited a special AIDS-issue of October, entitled AIDS: Cultural Analysis/Cultural Activism. In his introduction to the edition Crimp argued for "cultural practices actively participating in the struggle against AIDS and its cultural consequences."[6] During this time he was an active member of the AIDS-activist group ACT UP in New York. Mourning and Militancy (1989) discusses the connections between the artistic representations of mourning and the politic interventions of militancy. Crimp argues that these two opposing positions should be allowed to co-exist.[7] In 1990 he published a book entitled AIDS Demo Graphics on the activist esthetics of ACT UP together with Adam Rolston. Crimp’s work on AIDS has been seen as an important contribution to the development of queer theory in the US. In 2002 he published all his previous work on AIDS in the book Melancholia and Moralism – Essays on AIDS and Queer Politics.

Crimp is currently working on memoir with the working title Before Pictures, on the relationship between the art world and the gay world in New York in the 1960s and 1970s.


Ray Metzker - Light Lines on Vimeo


◇ The Photography of Ray K. Metzker and the Institute of Design (Getty Center Exhibitions)

Ray K. Metzker's Photographic Journey

Ray Metzker has repeatedly pushed an idea or a technique to the extreme, discovering its limits and its potential. With the conclusion of each of these forays to the edge, he has changed course dramatically.

Metzker titles and groups his images based on their location or technique. Collectively his various series represent an artistic vision that merges the realities of modern life with the intrinsic expressive possibilities of the photographic medium.


予言の自己成就とは - コトバンク

たとえ根拠のない予言(=噂や思い込み)であっても、人々がその予言を信じて行動することによって、結果として予言通りの現実がつくられるという現象のこと。 例えば、ある銀行が危ないという噂を聞いて、人々が預金を下ろすという行動をとることで、本当に銀行が倒産してしまう、というもの。 このような社会現象のメカニズムを、アメリカの社会学マートンは「予言の自己成就」と名付けた。 これは、W・I・トマスの「もし人が状況を真実であると決めれば、その状況は結果において真実である」という定理をさらに展開した理論といえる。


◇ 予言 - Wikipedia

自己成就予言(じこじょうじゅよげん)、もしくは予言の自己成就(よげんのじこじょうじゅ)(英、self-fulfiling prophecy)とは、予言をした者もしくはそれを受け止めた者が、予言の後でそれに沿った行動を取る事により、的中するように導かれた予言の事である。ジェロラモ・カルダーノの最期や、ノストラダムス2世の最期と伝えられる逸話などが当てはまる。また、より身近な例として、星座占いや血液型性格分類、銀行の取り付け騒ぎも、示された結果を受け止めた者が、(意識的にせよ、無意識的にせよ)それに沿った行動を取る事で、当たっていると錯覚しているケースのあることが指摘されており[5]、これも一種の自己成就予言と言える。この語は、社会心理学の用語としても用いられる[6]。


▶ 【Preview】遠藤誉氏:チャイナマネーに買われる香港の民主主義 - YouTube

マル激トーク・オン・ディマンド 第707回


喜安 朗『パリの聖月曜日 ―― 19世紀都市騒乱の舞台裏 ――』(岩波書店)






セバスティアン・ブラントと『阿呆船』 - CiNii 論文



◇ 阿呆船 - Wikipedia

『阿呆船』(あほうせん) Das Narrenschiff は、15世紀のドイツ作家セバスティアン・ブラントSebastian Brantによって書かれた諷刺文学である。1494年にバーゼルで刊行された。1497年にはラテン語訳も刊行され、その後英語、フランス語、オランダ語など各言語に翻訳されて16世紀ヨーロッパにおけるベストセラーになった。



◇ 小俣和一郎『近代精神医学の成立』など (阿呆船は実在したか) - 本読みのつまずき

「阿呆船」Narrenschiff は「愚者の船」などとも訳されますが、今でいう精神病患者などを乗せて水上を彷徨う船舶を意味し、こうしたモチーフは15・16世紀ごろの北方ヨーロッパの習俗や文学・絵画などに散見されます。代表的なところでは15世紀末にバーゼルで出版された『阿呆船』と題された風刺文学 (セバスティアン・ブラント作) がヨーロッパ中で大ヒットし、また同時期のフランドルの画家ヒエロニムス・ボスもこれを題材にした作品を残しています。

さて、こうした船が歴史的に実在したのか否かがここでの問題です。フーコーは『狂気の歴史』(1961年) でそれを実在の船であると述べており、今回取り上げる小俣の著作も同様です。しかし、結論からいえば専ら狂人を乗せて都市から都市へと移動するような「阿呆船」が歴史的に実在したと信ずるに足るような論拠はない、というのが衆目の一致するところであるように思います。



◇ 本の紹介 『阿呆船』(ゼバスチャン・ブラント、尾崎盛景訳、現代思潮社、新装版 2002年 原版 1968) - 「アタマの引き出し」は生きるチカラだ!

◇ Sebastian Brant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

◇ ヒエロニムス・ボス-愚者の船-(画像・壁紙)