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ポール・テック(Paul Thek)関連

◇ Paul Thek: Diver, A Retrospective - Whitney Museum of American Art

Paul Thek: Diver, a Retrospective is the first retrospective in the United States devoted to the legendary American artist Paul Thek (1933-1988). A sculptor, painter, and one of the first artists to create environments or installations, Thek came to recognition showing his sculpture in New York galleries in the 1960s. The first works exhibited, which he began making in 1964 and called “meat pieces” as they were meant to resemble flesh, were encased in Plexiglas boxes that recall Minimal sculptures. At the end of the sixties, Thek left for Europe, where he created extraordinary environments, incorporating elements from art, literature, theater, and religion, often employing fragile and ephemeral substances, including wax and latex. After a decade, at the end of the seventies, Thek changed direction, moved back to New York, and turned to the making of small, sketch-like paintings on canvas, although he continued to create environments in key international exhibitions. With his frequent use of highly perishable materials, Thek accepted the ephemeral nature of his art works―and was aware, as writer Gary Indiana has noted, of “a sense of our own transience and that of everything around us.” With loans of work never before seen in the US, this exhibition is intended to introduce Thek to a broader American audience.

Paul Thek: Diver, a Retrospective is co-organized by Elisabeth Sussman, Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and Lynn Zelevansky, the Henry J. Heinz II Director of Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh.


YouTube - Paul Thek Diver, a Retrospective at the WHITNEY Part I

YouTube - Paul Thek Diver, a Retrospective at the WHITNEY Part II

◇ Paul Thek: Diver, A Retrospective - RIMA'S WEBLOG

Paul Thek: Diver, A Retrospective
@ the Whitney Museum

ポール・テック(Paul Thek)はアメリカのアートシーンから忘れ去られたアーティストであった。大規模な回顧展が開かれるのは初めての事らしいが、保存が難しい作品が多いため、作品があまり残されていなく、展覧会を完成させるのに何年もかかったという。


◇ Paul Thek - Exhibition - ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe

◇ Paul Thek - Series of images - ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe

◇ なぜ今、Paul Thekなのか? - whaplog

※下のリンクは、Paul Thekの仕事の全景が見える非常に良い展覧会の映像なのでぜひ見てください。この映像があるので、掲載している作品写真は時代的にも傾向的にも絞っています。
Paul Thek in the Context of Today’s Contemporary Art / ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art/ part 1/2
Paul Thek in the Context of Today’s Contemporary Art / ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art / part 2/2

 Susan Sontag(スーザン・ソンタグ)の『反解釈』(1966)は、Paul Thek(ポール・セック、1933−88)という作家に捧げられています。この本のなかには有名な『《キャンプ》についてのノート』というエッセーが収められていますが、これは多少なりともThekを宛先に想定して書かれたことを意味するのかもしれません。同時にThekもきわめて意識的にこの文章を読んだのではないかと思われます。


YouTube - A Procession in Honor of Paul Thek

◇ Paul Thek - Google 検索