
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/


India International School in Japan (IISJ)

http://www.iisjapan.com/welcome.aspx http://www.iisjapan.com/ ◇ 東西線インド人出世の法則|Manachanブログ - 世界で不動産を買おう! http://ameblo.jp/manachan2150/entry-11281163544.html ◇ 身近な「異国」で見た 夢語る子どもたち :日本経済新聞(…

◇ Nobuhiro Fukui(@n291)/2014年02月24日 - Twilog Alex Pragerのコミッションワーク……というか本業?【Touch of Evil: Cinematic Villainy From the Year’s Best Performers - NYTimes】http://j.mp/Mno2BQ Alex Pragerの諸作 http://j.mp/MnpHaz を見て、…


■Blind Spot: Collapsing Images - The New York Public Library LIVE from the NYPL Blind Spot is the international source book of photography-based fine art for artists, collectors, creative directors, designers, curators and art lovers. Blin…

Garry Winogrand at Rice University - YouTube

http://youtu.be/wP6lP3UaP24 ◇ Garry Winogrand MIT Q&A with Winogrand Photographs - YouTube http://youtu.be/vUuwdPkLsT0 ◇ Photo 154 Project 5 (Garry Winogrand) - YouTube http://youtu.be/kvJEKjwsxpo

Tod Papageorge関連

◇ Tod Papageorge. Central Park. 1980 - MoMA http://media.moma.org/explore/multimedia/audios/54/1060 ◇ The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) | Explore Modern Art | Multimedia | Video | "Too Much Is Enough": A Talk on Garry Winogra…


WALKER EVANS & ROBERT FRANK: “Walker Evans and Robert Frank – An Essay on Influence by Tod Papageorge” (1981) ROBERT FRANK: “Unpleasant Connections” (1991) ROBERT FRANK: “The Photographer in the Beat-Hipster Idiom – Robert Frank’s The Amer…

Paul Graham (photographer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photobooks[edit] A1―The Great North Road. Bristol: Grey Editions, 1983. Beyond Caring. Bristol: Grey Editions, 1985. Troubled Land. Bristol: Grey Editions, 1986. In Umbra Res. Bradford: National Museum of Photography, Film, and Television,…


◇ Luigi Ghirri - Google 検索 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Luigi+Ghirri&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ZzLYU-fXE8mhugTxhIKgDg&ved=0CBsQsAQ&biw=1436&bih=806 ◇ Luigi Ghirri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Luigi Ghirri (Scan…

Lee Friedlander Mannequin - Google 検索

https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Lee+Friedlander+Mannequin&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=TGvYU7KQHYek8AX-yoKYCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1436&bih=806 ◇ Lee Friedlander: Mannequin - Fraenkel Gallery http://fraenkelgallery.com/exhibitions/…

Lisette Model Reflection - Google 検索

https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Lisette+Model+Reflection&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=xGrYU_i3I87g8AW_voLwDg&ved=0CBsQsAQ&biw=1436&bih=806#imgdii=_ ◇ MoMA | The Collection | Lisette Model. Window Reflections. 1940 http://www…


◇ Louis Faurer「Self-Portrait, 42nd Street and Third Avenue El Station Looking Toward Tudor City」(1946) http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/79/45/79045018_large_Louis_Faurer_Selfportrait_1946_ak.jpg ◇ Louis Faurer「Staten Isla…


◇ Garry Winogrand “The Animals” on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/32917134 ◇ William Eggleston's Guide on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/34595129 ◇ William Eggleston // 2 and 1/4 on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/36777212 ◇ STEPHEN SHORE | AMERICAN SURFACES - …

"Form and Pressure" or "Form and Pleasure"