
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Franz Roh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Franz Roh (February 21, 1890 – December 30, 1965), was a German historian, photographer, and art critic. He is perhaps best known for his 1925 book Nach Expressionismus: Magischer Realismus: Probleme der neuesten europäischen Malerei ("After expressionism: Magical Realism: Problems of the newest European painting") he coined the term magic realism.

Roh was born in Apolda (in present-day Thuringia), Germany. He studied at universities in Leipzig, Berlin, and Basel. In 1920, he received his Ph. D. in Munich for a work on Dutch paintings of the 17th century. As a photographer and critic, he absolutely hated photographs that were to be like a painting, charcoal, or drawings. During the Nazi regime, he was isolated and briefly put in jail for his book Foto-Auge (Photo-Eye); he used his jail time he used to write the book Der Verkannte Künstler: Geschichte und Theorie des kulturellen Mißverstehens ("The unrecognized artist: history and theory of cultural misunderstanding"). After the war, in 1946, he married art historian Juliane Bartsch. He died in Munich.

Roh and magic realism
Roh is perhaps best remembered as the critic who coined the term magic realism―a translation of his Magischer Realismus―which he first used in 1925 in "Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism," an essay about the visual arts. But, though the lineage is direct, his magic realism has a very different meaning from the one used to describe the work of writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende that dominates our current understanding of the term. Roh, celebrating the post-expressionist return of the visual arts to figural representation, utilized the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger to emphasize that "the autonomy of the objective world around us was once more to be enjoyed; the wonder of matter that could crystallize into objects was to be seen anew."[1] Roh was, then, emphasizing the "magic" of the normal world as it presents itself to us (i.e., how, when we really look at everyday objects, they can appear strange and fantastic) and not the world of magic (in which objects are literally transformed into something fantastic) that the literary school emphasizes. Roh himself, writing in the 1950s and perhaps already seeing the confusion his term had caused in this regard, emphasized that his use of the word magic was, "of course not in the religious-psychological sense of ethnology."[2]

Roh's magic realism, though not often written about in recent years, is nonetheless an important contribution to a phenomenological or existential theory of aesthetics. This link is emphasized by the fact that it was the Spanish phenomenologist José Ortega y Gasset's disciple Fernando Vela who translated Roh's essay into Spanish, thereby setting the stage for its appropriation by the literary movement.


◇ Franz Roh: Photography & Collage from the 1930's | Ubu Gallery

◇ 作家略歴 - 本の構成者 エル・リシツキー

Roh, Franz
ドイツ 1890-1965

http://www.musabi.ac.jp/library/muse/tenrankai/kikaku/2002/lissitzky/eachbio/eachbio06_r.html#Roh, Franz

◇Lissitzky, El ; Roh, Franz + Tschichold, Jan [ed.](エル・リシツキー他) / foto-auge | 古本買取 - SO BOOKS

20年代前衛美術の到来とともに表れてきた、フォトグラムやモンタージュなどの新しい写真の表現を紹介した、フランツ・ローとヤン・チヒョルトによる編集による『写真の眼』。本書はその1929年初版オリジナルの後年の復刻版。収録作家は、エル・リシツキーの他、アジェ、マン・レイゲオルゲ・グロッス、ラスロ・モホリ=ナギ、マックス・エルンスト、ヘルベルト・バイヤー、モーリス・タバール、レンガー・パッチェ、ハートフィールド、ピート・ツワルトなど、他無名作家をも含め多数。ヤン・チヒョルトによるブック・デザイン(タイポグラフィー)。フランツ・ローによるテキスト『Mechanismus und ausdruck』。表紙写真はエル・リシツキーのセルフ・ポートレイトのモンタージュ。表紙や小口に黄シミ。刊行年からすると状態は並上。

独仏英併記 / 29x21cm / 写真図版点数76点 / モノクロ


◇ 本の詳細『foto-auge oeil et photo photo-eye』(フランツ・ロー ヤン・チヒョルト) - 古本・古書の買取・販売 小宮山書店

◇ あたらしい写真表現 - Words from Flying Books

フランツ・ローとヤン・チヒョルト編集による、『Foto-Auge― Oeil et Photo―Photo-Eye』。


◇ 『光画』 - 現代美術用語辞典ver.2.0



◇ 光画 - Webcat Plus

・メカニズムと表現--寫眞の本質と價値 / フランツ・ロー

・「メカニズムと表現」といふテーマに對するテーゼとアンチテーゼ / フランツ・ロー
