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Salon | Artist Talk and Book Signing | A Brief History of New Music - YouTube

Artist Talk and Book Signing | A Brief History of New Music
Dieter Meier, Artist, Musician and Filmmaker, Zurich, in conversation with Lionel Bovier, Director of JRP|Ringier, Zurich, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director, Serpentine Gallery, London

スイスのコンセプチュアルアーティストとしても重要なDieter Meierのトーク

◇ WHITE BOX (Dieter Meier at Whitebox Art Center: a short interview.)

Yes, there are parallels and influences. Before I did music videos I created what was called ‘underground films’. In these films I used the camera as a brush, and I called them moving frescoes. They didn’t really tell a story.
These films, that were the first things that I really did as an artist, became later a really important influence for the YELLO video’s. A lot of these structural moving frescoes were like the stage designs that we projected on scotch screen, in front of which Boris Blank and myself performed. In many YELLO videos you see a lot of my experimental work being used as moving frescoes in front of which we made our ‘nonsense’.
And then there are other elements, like the sculptural elements. When you look at the YELLO video “Pinball Cha Cha” [part of the YELLO VIDEO PERFORMANCES at Whitebox Art Center] you can literally see some ‘moving sculptures’. These are influenced by elements of my conceptual work. In ’74, ’75, I did highly unimportant sculpture that was made without the idea to express anything. Just with whatever I found I put it together. I called these ‘lost sculptures’. They just existed for one picture and then I threw them away or I used the material to create another one. This of course later became a thing that a lot of postmodern artists did, like the Swiss artist duo ‘Fischli/Weiss’. I mean, they were not influenced by me, but I did things quite early, that later became common sense within the art world. And there is a lot of interference between these ‘lost sculptures’ and the moving sculptures as you can see them in “Pinball Cha Cha”.

Dieter MeierからPeter Fischli & David Weissへのつながり。それはスイスのドイツ語圏の人々に共通のパンクなセンス(独立精神の旺盛さ、DIY精神、反骨精神)によるものなのでしょうか?

◇ Yello Frontman Dieter Meier Talks About His Art | VernissageTV - Huffington Post

◎ Dieter Meier



◇ Globus - Savoir vivre: Ojo de Agua: Bio-Produkte von Dieter Meier - Meine argentinischen Weine