
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

CRACKLE OF TIME [Official Trailer] English - YouTube

KNISTERN DER ZEIT - CHRISTOPH SCHLINGENSIEF UND SEIN OPERNDORF IN BURKINA FASO (Crackle of Time - Christoph Schlingensief and his Opera Village in Burkina Faso)
A film by Sibylle Dahrendorf, D 2012, 106 min - at cinema!

With Christoph Schlingensief, Diébédo Francis Kéré, Aino Laberenz, B. Henri Kéré, Stanislas Meda, Thierry Kobyagda, Thomas George, Celina Nicolay, Familie Sidibé, Familie Diallo, Ensemble VIA INTOLLERANZA II

An African Bayreuth? An Opera in Burkina Faso?
Christoph Schlingensief, the German film, theatre and opera director had a vision for an opera village in Africa. Despite cancer, he made trips to Burkina Faso, such was his devotion and conviction. "Crackle of Time" tells the story of the impossible project: To build an opera village in Burkina Faso, a space combining art and life, with a school, theatre, hospital, living quarters, a football field, a lunchroom. Schlingensief wanted everything what it needs to live and survive. Everything in one place. From the initial location search in May 2009 and the Groundbreaking in February 2010 to the emergence of the school the documentary take us up close to the german artist Christoph Schlingensief and his architect Diébédo Francis Kéré who originally comes from Burkina Faso. But then everything changed.
Christoph Schlingensief died in August 2010.
Death played a role from now on. After a period of stillstand the team of the opera village went on. The documentary get behind the vision of the 'opera village' and witness the struggles and hurdles. In October 2011 the school could celebrate its opening.

Last year Christoph Schlingensief was posthumously awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale for his stage installation, "fluxus oratorium -- church of fear" in the German pavilion.

Film distribution: Filmgalerie 451
Production: Perfect Shot Films
Coproduction: ZDFkultur, ORF and Goethe Institut

All cinemas and more information about the film: www.filmgalerie451.de

More about Operndorf Afrika: www.operndorf-afrika.com/de/startseite.h­tml


◇ クリストフ・シュリンゲンジーフ「外国人よ、出て行け!」(水牛健太郎) - ワンダーランド wonderland

◇ Christoph Schlingensief, TERROR 2000, Padiglione Germania - YouTube

Biennale 2011, Padiglione tedesco -Giardini

The German Pavilion, composed of works of Christoph Schlingensief, was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale 2011! The work of Christoph Schlingensief represents German's entry at the Venice Biennale 2011 (June 4th - November 27th)! Filmgalerie 451 is responsible for the film part: every day, 6 films will be screened in new, digitally-restored HD versions inside the German Pavilion - many of them for the first time with English subtitles: Menu Total, Egomania, 100 Years Adolf Hitler, The German Chainsaw Massacre, Terror 2000 and United Trash!


◇ Christoph Schlingensief Retrospective at MoMA PS1 - YouTube

◇ Christoph Schlingensief & Patti Smith talk "art & religion" - YouTube


"als chris­toph schlin­gen­sief 2005/06 sein film­pro­jekt „af­ri­can twin towers" in na­mi­bia dreh­te, war pat­ti smith ei­ne der mit­wir­ken­den. bei­de, pat­ti smith und chris­toph schlin­gen­sief, sind mit ar­bei­ten in der aus­stel­lung „spu­ren des geis­ti­gen. tra­ces du sa­cré" ver­tre­ten. beim talk „art & re­li­gi­on" am 14. de­zember im haus der kunst spra­chen sie über kunst und re­li­gi­on, über spi­ri­tua­li­tät, schei­tern und ver­lust."


◇ Дидрих Дидрихсен "Кристоф Шлингензиф и миф о провокации" 14 ноября 2013 года - YouTube

ГЦСИ, программа "Теоретические исследования по культурной антропологии". Лекция Дидриха Дидрихсена "Кристоф Шлингензиф и миф о провокации" 14 ноября 2013 года
Language: English

Christoph Schlingensief and other theatre and performance artists have often been explained with the construction of provocation: you aim for a specific reaction of the opponent, the enemy or the public by using certain stimuli which always do the trick, to make them want you to shut up. But shuting up making someone to shut up, censorship in general is only a small part of a larger mechanism: the minimization of discourse, the reduction of the vocabulary - not seen from the perspective of a rich, expressive subject or a lively, public debate, but form the persective of the richness of discourse itself, indenpendently of a possible usage of this richness, before and beyond the exploitation of discourse. In this talk Diedrich Diederichsen describes Schlingensief not so much as someone who aims for certian reactions and results, but as someone who aimed for an enlargement of discourse, without calculating with any instrumental results or legitmizing his project by its results.


◇ UbuWeb Film & Video: Christoph Schlingensief

>>>Schlingensiefs Container: Ausländer raus - YouTube

Ein Kunstprojekt des bereits verstorbenen Künstlers Christoph Schlingensief.
Ort: Wien
Jahr: 2000

