
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Pipilotti Rist- Pickelporno - YouTube


◇ Pipilotti Rist - Be Nice To Me (Flatten 04) - YouTube

◇ Pipilotti Rist - Ever is Over All - YouTube
初見はベルリンのHamburger Bahnhof。

◇ Pipilotti Rist- (Entlastungen) Pipilottis Fehler - YouTube

1988 © by Pipilotti Rist

Schule für Gestaltung Basel http://www.sfgbasel.ch/ 時代の作品。1988年。

◇ UbuWeb Film & Video: Pipilotti Rist - Entslastlungen AKA Pipilolottis Fehler (1988

A nursery rhyme or a poem? displayed over a royal blue background the words "I see. You see. I see you seeing. You see me seeing. I want to show what I see. You want to show what you see. Nirvana in the rose garden".

Then the sound starts, a powerful woman's voice repeats the words after they are written on the screen, singing them in German. The enunciation of each phase is marked by a drum roll. Images also appear very abruptly -- the face of Pipilotti, dirty, hatched with white lines and saturation blotches. Then the same nursery rhyme appears again displayed on a blue background, this time in English. And the same voice repeats the line in German in almost exactly the same way as before. We gradually distinguish the images of a concert (the titles tell us that this group is the Reines Prochaines, the musical performance group that Pipilotti established, and which she had belonged to for many years. The tone changes and a new text appears in English "Are you good, are you bad. Are you big, are you small" and a ritonello on the electric organ plays at the same time. The image makes a central superimposed rectangle appear, in which we see Pipilotti outside in the middle of garden amidst huge flowers. Suddenly she falls, collapsing as if fainting. Further away on the side-walk in the middle of a square she falls again. The film closes with a firework, accompanied by the thunderous music provided by the Reines. Translated the title of the film means Pipilotti's faults (appeasement). The texts point us towards a critical perception of visual elements, the underline the absolute subjectivity of the view, and ironies about a paradise of shared visions. Moreover the musical performance of the Reines Prochaines is based (as with all their concerts) on the subversive usage of the most common visual form, la television. With the stereotype of the muscular rocker and the sexy singer, the Reines oppose provocative female groups, inasmuch as they can barely sing or play at all and produce songs with politically radical lyrics (or totally na•ve lyrics). The faults of Pipilotti -- the faults of all little girls (remember here that Charlotte Rist was called Pipilotti by analogy with the heroin of her childhood, Pippi Longstocking) are absolutions at the famous downfalls, from which a new woman might be born. This video which is also a bit cryptic reflects in mirror like fashion the key elements of Pipilloti's work -- music, visual art, individual and collective production without defining any clear boundaries. (LLH)


◇ AtelierRist - YouTube

◇ Big Talk #4 (2010): Pipilotti Rist (Pepperminta) - YouTube

Sjarel Ex interviews Pipilotti Rist about her film Pepperminta at International Film Festival Rotterdam 2010.


◇ Pipilotti Rist - Fourth Wall | Tate

Pipilotti Rist discussed her practice, showed work and answered questions from Williams and Janus.

The lush, MTV-style aesthetic of Pipilotti Rist’s internationally acclaimed video installations presents for many a new, embodied post-identity politics of the gaze. In this discussion, Rist was joined by editor and critic Gilda Williams and art historian and critic Elizabeth Janus to talk about her views on the body, pleasure, crowds and the city, looking especially at her outdoor installations in New York and for Fourth Wall at the National Theatre in London. She discussed her practice, showed work and answered questions from Williams and Janus.


ピピロッティ・リスト - Wikipedia

ピピロッティ・リスト(Pipilotti Rist、本名Elisabeth Charlotte Rist, 1962年6月21日 - )は、スイス出身のビデオ・アーティスト。チューリッヒとロサンゼルスで暮らし、かつ作品を制作している。

学生だった時に、リストはスーパー8フィルム(Super 8 mm film)で映画を撮りだした。大抵の作品は2、3分と短く、色・速度・音が変調されていた。扱うテーマは主に、ジェンダー、性、人体だった。
1988年から1994年までリストはミュージック・バンド&パフォーマンス・グループ「Les Reines Prochaines」のメンバーでもあった。
2002年から2003年まで、ポール・マッカーシー(Paul McCarthy)教授に客員教授としてカリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)に招かれた。
リストは配偶者のBalz Rothと暮らしていて、二人の間にはHimalayaという名前の息子がいる。



◇ Pipilotti Rist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

◎ Pipilotti Rist