
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

Hou Hanru in Conversation on Vimeo


◇ Conversation with curator Hou Hanru - Hou Hanru - YouTube

As part of the exhibition Host and Guest, a public meeting with the curator Hou Hanru was held in the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.
This is a presentation from the curator Hou Hanru.


◇ Hou Hanru - 2011 - MFA Graduate Seminar - YouTube

◇ Open Museum Open City | Talk con Charles Guarino, Hou Hanru, Giovanna Melandri - YouTube

Quando un museo può dirsi davvero "aperto"?
When can a museum be a real open one?

Il programma di Public Speech pensato per Open Museum Open City propone una serie di appuntamenti con i protagonisti del panorama culturale nazionale e internazionale sui temi della mostra e incontri con saggisti, critici d’arte, artisti, architetti e scrittori per un racconto sulle emergenze culturali della contemporaneità.//
The Public Speech program for Open Museum Open City proposes a series of encounters with some of the leading names on the national and international cultural scene with a view to delving deeper into and discussing some of the themes of the exhibition, as well as the cultural emergencies of the contemporary world. The encounters, entrusted to the words of art critics, artists, architects, essayists, writers and philosophers, are conceived as a moment of interaction with the public and the works on display.

